IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample: Taxing Fast Food


In some countries, an increasing number of people are suffering from health problems as a result of eating too much fast food. It is therefore necessary for governments to impose a higher tax on this kind of food.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Overeating fast food is believed to be a direct contributor to a number of serious health problems in different parts of the world. Therefore, some argue that imposing high taxes on such food should be considered a potential solution. While I completely agree with this proposal, I also believe that additional measures should be implemented alongside the tax increase to make it more effective.

Increasing the tax on the purchase of food items filled with fat, sugar, and other such additives will make them unaffordable to some consumers. While this can lead to fewer purchases and ultimately better health in consumers, some express concerns that such high taxes on these products will harm businesses. Simply put, over the past few decades, fast food chains have been able to open numerous branches and create jobs by offering these foods as affordable alternatives to more expensive, healthier options. Some argue that if the government removes this pricing advantage, fewer people may purchase such food, potentially leading to restaurant closures and job losses. However, in my opinion, by taxing unhealthy food and using the revenue generated to provide incentives for these restaurants to add more nutritious options to their menus, a wider range of consumers may be attracted to their establishments, ultimately helping the businesses thrive without any job losses.

While the above-mentioned tax increase could be beneficial, I believe that many people are addicted to fast food, and they may continue purchasing it regardless of the cost. Therefore, it is essential that the government require the food industry to include clear warning labels on products, informing consumers of high levels of fat, sugar, or sodium, and the associated health risks, such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. As people generally value their well-being, this informative labeling may encourage them to reduce their consumption of these unhealthy, ready-made foods in favor of healthier choices.

In conclusion, in addition to a tax increase, the government should adopt a more comprehensive approach by also mandating clear nutritional labeling, to ensure the policy has a meaningful and lasting impact. Implementing such policies is a step in the right direction toward promoting a healthier population.

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