IELTS Writing Formal Letter sample: A Request From A Hotel Manager

IELTS Writing Formal Letter sample A Request From A Hotel Manager

You recently attended a meeting at a hotel. When you returned home, you found you had left some important papers at the hotel.

Write a letter to the manager of the hotel. In your letter:

  • say where you think you left the papers
  • explain why they are so important
  • tell the manager what you want him/her to do 

Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing in regards to an unfortunate mistake I made when I left your hotel (Hilton Palace) on June 25. It appears that I forgot a few key documents in my room.

During my three-day stay in room number 401, I kept my meeting documents in a green folder inside the drawer next to the window. Unfortunately, I left the room for the airport in such haste that I forgot to bring them.

The purpose of the visit was a vital business mission on behalf of my company with the goal of signing a contract with one of the firms in the city. I am solely responsible for those papers and any misuse or loss of data would result in a significant loss of profit to both companies.

Therefore, I would very much appreciate it if you searched for the papers and sent them to the address enclosed in the envelope. Of course, I would be ready to bear the postage cost through the card I used to reserve the room.

Thank you in advance for your kind help.

Yours faithfully,

John Smith

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